Dentistry with a Mission
We believe that it’s impossible to be part of a medical field and not have compassion, serve others and love people… anyone, anywhere, anytime.
When you are passionate about caring for people you see no borders, no race, no religion, nor religion.
This mission was our first time in Senegal, where we had patients in a missionary’s base located on a village, a hospital and a school in Dakar.
The work conditions were very grim, but we knew somehow what to expect, or did we?
The reality was more brutal than we had anticipated. There was no power, we only had access to just a little bit of water, 5 different dialects being spoken by the patients and translated during each session and around 100 people standing in line in a temperature of 102º F.
That was our reality, we asked God to bless us, we put on our gloves and started to literally change the lives of many, include our own.